Streaming API
Streaming API
Click-AP provides a RESTful API for communicating with Yakitory clients. The following describes the API.
我們提供 RESTful API 的方式來讓各種不同的Apps 控制 Yakitory , 包含影片上傳、進行編碼、轉換、完成通知,到個別影片音訊、視訊規格查詢,影片列表回傳都是透過 API 就可以完成。我們把 API 呼叫的過程作成 GIF , 希望能幫助說明。
Before we start, You must prepare access key, It's a random string for the Yakitory to verify identity, Please use your access keys carefully!
在開始使用 API 前需取得 access key (),它是API 金鑰,它是一加密字串,讓我們在操控 Yakitory 時確認有管理權限。請不要隨意分享你的秘鑰。
The Yakitory API security model enables 3rd-party applications to make API calls (if they have the shared secret), but not allow other people (end users) to make API calls.
The Yakitory API calls are almost all made server-to-server. If you installed the package yaki-demo on your Yakitory server, you get a set of API examples, written in Java Server Pages (JSP), that demonstrate how to use the Yakitory API. These demos run as a web application in tomcat8. The web application makes HTTPS requests to the Yakitory server's API end point
Getting information about all videos(取得在串流伺服器中的所有影片)
Web service URL:
access_key - the clients given access_key, required for authentication.
Example Response:
If authentication is successful, the following JSON is return:
JSON 的結果,videos 是個陣列,是這個頻道所有的影片(這裡只有一部影片),每個影片都有filepath 、audio_codec 、id 、state 、duration ... 等影片資訊規格的屬性(attribute)
Getting information about a particular video(取得在串流伺服器中的其中一部影片)
Web service URL:
access_key - the clients given access_key, required for authentication.
Example Response:
If authentication is successful, the following JSON is return:
\"started_encoding_at\":\"Mon Mar 01 21:56:07 -0500 2010\",\"video_id\":\"10\",\"finished_encoding_at\":\"Mon Mar 01 21:56:09 -0500 2010\",
Upload a video to Yakitory
Web service URL:
access_key - the clients given access_key, required for authentication.
curl(使用 curl):
curl -i -XPOST -F 'access_key=5zgn7mdttnysynwd' 'http://yakitory/api/clients/5/videos/upload' -F 'filepath=@Movie1.mp4'
ASP.NET WebClient (使用 C# - WebClient):
System.Net.WebClient oWeb = new System.Net.WebClient();
oWeb.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
parameters.Add("access_key", "5zgn7mdttnysynwd");
oWeb.QueryString = parameters;
var responseBytes = oWeb.UploadFile("http://yakitory/api/clients/5/videos/upload", "Movie1.mp4");
string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseBytes);
Example Response:
Yakitory can be configured to notify the client making the encoding request once all encodings for a video are complete. By setting a clients Notification URL, you tell Yakitory that this client should be notified. Once all encodings for a video are complete, Yakitory will send a notification to a URL configured for the client. The notification is a JSON object in the following format:
"video_thumbnail": "",
"video_id": "34",
"encodings": [
"state": "completed",
"id": 34,
"filename": "Movie_LTI_HD"
"video_state": "completed"
以 PHP(or Moodle) 為例:
function var_error_log( $object=null ){
ob_start(); // start buffer capture
var_dump( $object ); // dump the values
$contents = ob_get_contents(); // put the buffer into a variable
ob_end_clean(); // end capture
return $contents;
$videodata = json_decode( file_get_contents('php://input') );
file_put_contents('streamvideo.txt', var_error_log( $videodata));
接收後物件( streamvideo.txt ) 的結果如下:
'video_id' = string '54' (length=2)
'video_state' = string 'completed' (length=9)
'video_thumbnail' = string 'data/tmp_videos/54/智慧大師課程移轉5_thumb.jpg' (length=54)
'encodings' =
array (size=2)
0 =
'id' = int 77
'container' = string 'flv' (length=3)
'filename' = string '智慧大師課程移轉5_HD.flv' (length=32)
'filepath' = string 'data/tmp_videos/54/智慧大師課程移轉5_HD.flv' (length=51)
'state' = string 'completed' (length=9)
1 =
'id' = int 78
'container' = string 'ts' (length=2)
'filename' = string '智慧大師課程移轉5_-%d.ts' (length=32)
'filepath' = string 'data/hls/54/智慧大師課程移轉5.m3u8' (length=42)
'state' = string 'completed' (length=9)