Streaming API

Streaming API

Click-AP provides a RESTful API for communicating with Yakitory clients. The following describes the API. 

我們提供 RESTful API 的方式來讓各種不同的Apps 控制 Yakitory , 包含影片上傳、進行編碼、轉換、完成通知,到個別影片音訊、視訊規格查詢,影片列表回傳都是透過 API 就可以完成。我們把 API 呼叫的過程作成 GIF , 希望能幫助說明。

Before we start, You must prepare access key, It's a random string for the Yakitory to verify identity.

在開始使用 API 前需取得 access key ,它是API 金鑰,它是一加密字串,讓我們在操控 Yakitory 時確認有管理權限。


Getting information about all videos(取得在串流伺服器中的所有影片)

Web service URL:


Example Response:

If authentication is successful, the following JSON is return:






JSON 的結果,videos 是個陣列,是這個頻道所有的影片(這裡只有一部影片),每個影片都有filepathaudio_codecidstateduration ... 等影片資訊規格的屬性(attribute)


Getting information about a particular video(取得在串流伺服器中的其中一部影片)

Web service URL:


Example Response:

If authentication is successful, the following JSON is return:






\"started_encoding_at\":\"Mon Mar 01 21:56:07 -0500 2010\",\"video_id\":\"10\",\"finished_encoding_at\":\"Mon Mar 01 21:56:09 -0500 2010\",





Upload a video to Yakitory

Web service URL:



curl(使用 curl):

curl -i -XPOST -F 'access_key=5zgn7mdttnysynwd' 'http://yakitory/api/clients/5/videos/upload' -F 'filepath=@Movie1.mp4'

ASP.NET WebClient (使用 C# - WebClient):

System.Net.WebClient oWeb = new System.Net.WebClient();

oWeb.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();

parameters.Add("access_key", "5zgn7mdttnysynwd");

oWeb.QueryString = parameters;

var responseBytes = oWeb.UploadFile("http://yakitory/api/clients/5/videos/upload", "Movie1.mp4");

string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseBytes);

Example Response:






Yakitory can be configured to notify the client making the encoding request once all encodings for a video are complete. By setting a clients Notification URL, you tell Yakitory that this client should be notified. Once all encodings for a video are complete, Yakitory will send a notification to a URL configured for the client. The notification is a JSON object in the following format:


    "video_thumbnail": "", 

    "video_id": "34", 

    "encodings": [


            "state": "completed", 

            "id": 34, 

            "filename": "Movie_LTI_HD"



    "video_state": "completed"


以 PHP(or Moodle) 為例:


  function var_error_log( $object=null ){

      ob_start();                    // start buffer capture

      var_dump( $object );           // dump the values

      $contents = ob_get_contents(); // put the buffer into a variable

      ob_end_clean();                // end capture

      return $contents;


$videodata = json_decode( file_get_contents('php://input') );

file_put_contents('streamvideo.txt', var_error_log( $videodata));

接收後物件( streamvideo.txt ) 的結果如下:


 'video_id' = string '54' (length=2)

 'video_state' = string 'completed' (length=9)

 'video_thumbnail' = string 'data/tmp_videos/54/智慧大師課程移轉5_thumb.jpg' (length=54)

 'encodings' =

 array (size=2)

 0 =


 'id' = int 77

 'container' = string 'flv' (length=3)

 'filename' = string '智慧大師課程移轉5_HD.flv' (length=32)

 'filepath' = string 'data/tmp_videos/54/智慧大師課程移轉5_HD.flv' (length=51)

 'state' = string 'completed' (length=9)

 1 =


 'id' = int 78

 'container' = string 'ts' (length=2)

 'filename' = string '智慧大師課程移轉5_-%d.ts' (length=32)

 'filepath' = string 'data/hls/54/智慧大師課程移轉5.m3u8' (length=42)

 'state' = string 'completed' (length=9)