API Documents
同步教室也有提供 API 方便跟其它系統整合,主要功能有:
開啟同步教室(create meetings)
加入同步教室(join meetings)
結束議程(end meetings)
取得同步教室錄影(get recordings for past meetings)
join - configToken can now reference a file in /var/bigbluebutton/configs, such as myconfig.xml.
create - Added three parameters: moderatorOnlyMessage to display message only visible to moderators and autoStartRecording/allowStartStopRecording to provide finer control over recordings.
getMeetings - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetingInfo - Added fields on the returned XML and deprecated parameters
getRecordings - Added meta parameter and state parameter to filter returned results
create - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetings - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetingInfo - Added fields on the returned XML
getRecordings - Returns an XML block with thumbnails from the slides as well as a <participants>N</participants> element with number of participants who attend the meeting.
updateRecordings - Meta parameters can be edited
create - Added bannerText, bannerColor, logo, copyright, and muteOnStart.
getMeetings - Now returns all the fields in getMeetingInfo.
getMeetingInfo - Added <client> field to return client type (FLASH, or HTML5).
create - Added bannerText, bannerColor, logo, copyright, and muteOnStart.
getMeetings - Now returns all the fields in getMeetingInfo.
getMeetingInfo - Added <client> field to return client type (FLASH, or HTML5).
getRecordingTextTracks - Get a list of the caption/subtitle files currently available for a recording.
putRecordingTextTrack - Upload a caption or subtitle file to add it to the recording. If there is any existing track with the same values for kind and lang, it will be replaced.
如果要 call 同步教室的 API 請先準備好 Server 網址及 Token. 分別像是這樣的:
Server: https://lingo.moodle.com.tw/lingo
Token: 350fcFlUWp5lJAkWylZfeiCikuTocAHWxzIrh6xFtn8
再來就是每個 Method 需要的參數了
meetingID: 會議室的ID
recordID: 錄影檔的ID
name: 議程的名稱(課程名稱)
fullname: 議程的全名
attendeePW: 進入會議室的密碼(如果老師有設定的話)
moderatorPW: 成為會議主持人的密碼(一樣是有指定才有)
welcome: 歡迎訊息(出現在聊天室上方), 可以有樣板, 如: <br>Welcome to <b>%%CONFNAME%%</b>!
以下從最簡單/最常用的 Query String 的方式說明。
假設您要開1間同步教室,名稱為: IR培訓營; 教室ID代入: conf2020 (識別用); 同學的密碼: modtw2020; 老師的密碼: clickap
就可以組成以下的 [parameters]:
同步教室伺服器的 Token: 350fcFlUWp5lJAkWylZfeiCikuTocAHWxzIrh6xFtn8
把 token 作 SHA-1 雜湊後: a158e97bcfb67eee59faa04d39b6d8794af43214
把 parameters 、 checksum 加入 query string 就像:
SHA-1 雜湊
因為呼叫同步教室需要用到 SHA-1 雜湊,所以我們把常用語言的 sha1 方法整理出來:
請參考 Javascript MD5 連結
您可以使用 org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils and call DigestUtils.shaHex(string + sharedSecret)
詳見: Apache commons
呼叫 sha1(string . sharedSecret) 即可
您必須在每一次呼叫時都要做 SHA-1 雜湊。