Moodle 資安議題
由於 OpenSSH 進行了安全更新,包含 和 hmac-sha1 在內的幾種不安全的演算法已移除。
您的 Moodle 安全嗎?相信是每個網站管理員不敢鬆懈的事;為了 Moodle 的安全,我們需要隨時更新 Moodle 資訊安全的訊息;但你會發現發佈資安議題的官網,內容並不容易理解,看起就像無字天書;就算把整個 issue 看完了,也不知道到底問題是什麼?! 跟我的版本有沒有關?我要怎麼修?
我們整理了 Moodle 各版本最需要注意的相關議題,如果您没有時間一直注意 發佈的訊息,或你想要參考我們的解決方案;都歡迎下載 Moodle 修正檔、跟我們討論或連絡我們。
我們從 / CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) / TWCERT/CC(台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心) 搜集、翻譯、整理並實際測試;保證讓你看的理解、用的心安。
The best way to keep track of the recent security issues and get the latest information is to register your Moodle site with
By registering your Moodle site, your email address is added to the low-volume mailing list for important and most up-to-date information, including new and point releases and notifications such as security alerts.
We highly recommend you register your site.
Otherwise, after each release, all important security issues are published in this forum, which you can subscribe to ( account required).
Please note that if you subscribe to the security forum and Twitter options, there will be a delay of up to one week until the information becomes available.