同步教室 API
同步教室 API,提供以下功能:
建立同步教室: 提供異質系統(如:Moodle, Canvas)整合開啟同步教室
結束同步教室: 提供講師、管理員管理同步教室用.
上傳教材: 提供講師、助教準備教材並上傳同步教室用.
取得錄影檔: 提供講師、管理員下載上課課程錄影,供非同步、複習或離線觀看.
上傳字幕檔: 提供無障礙課程使用.
請注意,使用 同步教室API,必須提供正式同步教室網址及正確密鑰(checksum),才能正確叫用功能。
Legacy API
join - configToken can now reference a file in /var/bigbluebutton/configs, such as myconfig.xml.
create - Added three parameters: moderatorOnlyMessage to display message only visible to moderators and autoStartRecording/allowStartStopRecording to provide finer control over recordings.
getMeetings - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetingInfo - Added fields on the returned XML and deprecated parameters
getRecordings - Added meta parameter and state parameter to filter returned results
create - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetings - Added fields on the returned XML
getMeetingInfo - Added fields on the returned XML
getRecordings - Returns an XML block with thumbnails from the slides as well as a <participants>N</participants> element with number of participants who attend the meeting.
updateRecordings - Meta parameters can be edited
create - Added bannerText, bannerColor, logo, copyright, and muteOnStart.
getMeetings - Now returns all the fields in getMeetingInfo.
getMeetingInfo - Added <client> field to return client type (FLASH, or HTML5).
create - Added endWhenNoModerator.
getRecordingTextTracks - Get a list of the caption/subtitle files currently available for a recording.
putRecordingTextTrack - Upload a caption or subtitle file to add it to the recording. If there is any existing track with the same values for kind and lang, it will be replaced.
create - Renamed keepEvents to meetingKeepEvents, removed joinViaHtml5, added endWhenNoModeratorDelayInMinutes.
getDefaultConfigXML obsolete, not used in HTML5 client.
setConfigXML obsolete, not used in HTML5 client.
Updated in 2.4:
getDefaultConfigXML Removed, not used in HTML5 client.
setConfigXML Removed, not used in HTML5 client.
Added meetingLayout, learningDashboardEnabled, learningDashboardCleanupDelayInMinutes, allowModsToEjectCameras, virtualBackgroundsDisabled, allowRequestsWithoutSession, userCameraCap.
name, attendeePW, and moderatorPW must be between 2 and 64 characters long
meetingID must be between 2 and 256 characters long and cannot contain commas
join - Added role, excludeFromDashboard.
Updated in 2.5:
create - Added: meetingCameraCap, groups, disabledFeatures, meetingExpireIfNoUserJoinedInMinutes, meetingExpireWhenLastUserLeftInMinutes, preUploadedPresentationOverrideDefault; Deprecated: learningDashboardEnabled, breakoutRoomsEnabled, virtualBackgroundsDisabled.
insertDocument endopoint was first introduced
API Library For PHP
1. https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-api-php
The official and easy-to-use BigBlueButton API for PHP makes it easy for developers to use BigBlueButton API.
Installation and usage
The wiki contains all the documentation related to the PHP library. We have also written samples to show a full install and usage example.
Submitting bugs and feature requests
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
2. https://github.com/littleredbutton/bigbluebutton-api-php
Unofficial but very easy to use PHP library & have some extended features. In readme file you can get detail information.
API Library For .NET
1 .https://github.com/nitinjs/bigbluebutton-api-dotnet
.NET client for BigBlueButton REST api
2. https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=bigbluebutton
.NET libraries for quickly and easily integrating with BigBlueButton.
.NET API's for quickly and easily integrating with BigBlueButton.
These C# API's for BigBlueButton
The functions in the library return datatables for developer's convenience.
API Library For Java
Special note:
This project used Lombok library, if you want to deploy this project, make sure you have Lombok installed. To install, follow the following steps:
download from https://projectlombok.org/download
go to the location where the Lombar.jar was downloaded, and run "java -jar lombok.jar", change the jar file name to the name of the lombok jar file that you downloaded
after you run the previous step, a window should appear, brownse to your editor location (for eclipse, it's where eclipse.exe is located)
click install
launch Eclipse (or other IDE)
add the zomlok library to your project (right click on the properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> add Extenal JARs -> select the lombok jar file that you just downloaded -> Apply and Close
API Library For JavaScript
bigbluebutton-api-js is a very simple Javascript library that generates links to all methods in BigBlueButton's API. It's written in Coffeescript and should work in the browser or in Node.js applications.
API Library For Ruby
This is a ruby gem that provides access to the API of BigBlueButton. See the documentation of the API here.
It enables a ruby application to interact with BigBlueButton by calling methods instead of HTTP requests, making it a lot easier to interact with BigBlueButton. It also formats the responses in a ruby-friendly format and includes helper classes to deal with more complicated API calls, such as the pre-upload of slides.